The book revolves around three characters: Basil, Dorian and Lord Henry. Basil and Dorian are good friends and Basil decides to draw portrait of Dorian. Harry comes to Basil's house to visit his friend and Dorian takes interest in Lord Henrh but Basil is worried he might be a bad influence on Dorian. By the time the portrait is finished Dorian and Lord Harry have become friends. When Dorian sees the picture he wishes for the picture to grow old instead if heim so he can stay young and beautiful. With the time Dorian starts to have bad habits and attitudes but instead of him, his picture looks old and ugly, he stays the same. One day he shows Basil his secret and kills him, but eventually he feels guilty and ends trying to cut the picture with a knife. In the end the police finds him with a knofe in his heart, ugly and old, next to his picture, young and beautiful.
I enjoyed the book a lot, it has a very good ambience and you feel inmersed when you read it. I would totally recommend it to my friends.
This book entitled: "The Picture of Dorian Gray" written by Oscar Wilde (a famous 19th century writer) tells the story of Basil Hallward's intense relationship of friendship and jealousy with the protagonist of the story, Dorian Gray. In addition, Lord Henry is the friend of Basil, who fears that his friend could influences in a negative way to Gray. Basil makes a portrait of Dorian, and he becomes obsessed with the idea of staying young and never getting old, finally it is the portrait that grows old and ugly while Gray remains beautiful and young. This has a tragic end which is reached by some horrible events, since Dorian trusts himself by not getting old and does all kinds of bad acts like taking his love (the actress Sybil) to suicide. Finally, Dorian tells Basil his secret and they get into a fight which ends with Gray murdering Basil. After a while, Dorian can not with the remorse and proceeds to break the painting with a knife. At the end they go up to the room and find the body of the old and ugly man Dorian Gray) dead with a knife in his heart, while the painting was still intact. and in it appeared a young and beautiful person.
This book has seemed great to me, it has a quite unexpected and original ending, it keeps you in constant tension and leaves you feeling a bit sad. In short, I have really enjoyed reading it.
The book revolves around three characters: Basil, Dorian and Lord Henry. Basil and Dorian are good friends and Basil decides to draw portrait of Dorian. Harry comes to Basil's house to visit his friend and Dorian takes interest in Lord Henrh but Basil is worried he might be a bad influence on Dorian. By the time the portrait is finished Dorian and Lord Harry have become friends. When Dorian sees the picture he wishes for the picture to grow old instead if heim so he can stay young and beautiful. With the time Dorian starts to have bad habits and attitudes but instead of him, his picture looks old and ugly, he stays the same. One day he shows Basil his secret and kills him, but eventually he feels guilty and ends trying to cut the picture with a knife. In the end the police finds him with a knofe in his heart, ugly and old, next to his picture, young and beautiful.
ResponderEliminarI enjoyed the book a lot, it has a very good ambience and you feel inmersed when you read it. I would totally recommend it to my friends.
This was written by Andrea 2° Bach A
EliminarThis book entitled: "The Picture of Dorian Gray" written by Oscar Wilde (a famous 19th century writer) tells the story of Basil Hallward's intense relationship of friendship and jealousy with the protagonist of the story, Dorian Gray. In addition, Lord Henry is the friend of Basil, who fears that his friend could influences in a negative way to Gray. Basil makes a portrait of Dorian, and he becomes obsessed with the idea of staying young and never getting old, finally it is the portrait that grows old and ugly while Gray remains beautiful and young. This has a tragic end which is reached by some horrible events, since Dorian trusts himself by not getting old and does all kinds of bad acts like taking his love (the actress Sybil) to suicide. Finally, Dorian tells Basil his secret and they get into a fight which ends with Gray murdering Basil. After a while, Dorian can not with the remorse and proceeds to break the painting with a knife. At the end they go up to the room and find the body of the old and ugly man Dorian Gray) dead with a knife in his heart, while the painting was still intact. and in it appeared a young and beautiful person.
ResponderEliminarThis book has seemed great to me, it has a quite unexpected and original ending, it keeps you in constant tension and leaves you feeling a bit sad. In short, I have really enjoyed reading it.
This was written by Sofía Hernanz 2°BACH.A