Famous people of the 20th century
Here are some stories about important people this century.Some are men and some are women.They all taught us something about our worl today.
These people are: John F. kennedy,Sir Alexander Fleming,Mother Teresa,Elvis Presley,Albert Einstein,Sigmund Freud,Agatha Christie.
This book is fantastic because it has seven famous people of the 20th century.
I like the book,my favourite person of the book is Mother teresa.She started an order of nuns called the missionaries of Charity.
I recommend this book is very very good.
And I don't like Kennedy because he cheated on his wife with Marilyn Monroe.
A. J. O. E (2º ESO A)
Here are some stories about important people this century.Some are men and some are women.They all taught us something about our worl today.
These people are: John F. kennedy,Sir Alexander Fleming,Mother Teresa,Elvis Presley,Albert Einstein,Sigmund Freud,Agatha Christie.
This book is fantastic because it has seven famous people of the 20th century.
I like the book,my favourite person of the book is Mother teresa.She started an order of nuns called the missionaries of Charity.
I recommend this book is very very good.
And I don't like Kennedy because he cheated on his wife with Marilyn Monroe.
A. J. O. E (2º ESO A)